Hopefully you now have six verses down. If not, use this week to "catch up".
If you do have all six verses down, I would suggest that you review the verses from the previous weeks. After all, there's not much point in learning new material, if you're just going to forget what you previously learned. So what that thought in mind...this is the week to review.
This also gives me the opportunity to stress some things that I haven't stressed already. When you are learning the verse, it is important to remember ALL aspects of the verse. By that I mean this: you need to memorize the overall theme of Set 1, Living the New Life. Of course, you will use that heading with the first twelve verses. After that, you need to memorize the heading that goes with the two verse set. For example, the heading for last week's verses would be The Word. After that, you memorize the scripture reference. And then, after you've gotten through all of that, you memorize the actual verse.
Thus, let's take a look at our current verse. When reciting the verse you should begin as follows:
Live the New Life (the heading for the set)
The Word (the heading for the sub set)
Joshua 1:8 (the reference)
At this point, you state the verse in whichever translation you are using. I would argue strongly that you should go for perfection. You need to memorize the verse perfectly - even incidental words. If you don't have it, keep at it.
After I recite the verse, I always end with repeating the scripture reference again. The repetition helps reinforce the reference.
So, this week use the time to catch up or review. If you feel the need to press ahead, you can find the new verses in the overall Navigator's Scripture Memory Plan page. Otherwise, report back next week as we continue with the series.