Psalm 119:11 -- I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Working Ahead...Working Behind?

At this point, it is possible that some of you are operating at a different pace than the rest of us. In fact, maybe there is no real pace established. Perhaps we are ALL in different places. That's okay. In case you have fallen behind, you can simply work at your own rate without feeling pressure to "pick up the pace". Others of you, may be doing the two a week, without feeling the need for an occasional week off for review. Therefore, you desire to keep plugging away. That works too.

My suggestion for either of these two groups would be to look to the column on the right-hand side. Click where it says "Navigator Scripture Memory Plan". The plan for the rest of the year is spelled out there. You can print that off and post it someplace. From this point on, you can work at a rate that works for you.

Now again, I would strongly recommend you don't go past two a week. Remember, it's not just a matter of memorization. It is memorization AND meditation. The more you meditate upon the verse throughout the week, the more likely the verse is to stay with you. But if you don't feel the need for the occasional week of review, you can check out the plan for the year, and work on ahead.

So, keep plugging away... any questions, thoughts, or comments? Feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is printed below. I don't claim to be an expert on the subject, but I've been involved with scripture memory since my college days (eh-hem) a few years back, so I do have some understanding of it.

Find a System

Some of you may be using a system of caring 3x5 cards with the passages for the week written on it. That can certainly work well. However, you may find that as time goes on, keeping track of all the cards can become an issue. It may become more difficult to have the cards you need when you want to review while "on the run".  Therefore, you may want to consider purchasing the Navigator's card set. I actually posted the link for this a couple of weeks ago, but I hadn't had the chance to really mention it until now. You can find the link in the column to the right, under the heading that says "Scripture Memory Kits".

As of this writing, Navigator's is selling it for $15.99. Amazon sometimes has it in stock new, and when they do, it is usually cheaper than that. However at the moment they have no new sets in stock AND the four used sets that are available range in price from $113 to $137 (I kid you not). 

What do you get with the kit: first, you get a handy little card hold with three pockets. One pocket is for the verse you are currently working on. It has a clear window, so you don't even have to pull the card out to read it. The second pocket is for cards that you have already memorized and are carrying with you for review. The third pocket is for the verses coming up. It's a little bi-fold, which is basically the same size as personal card holders, thus it's easy to slip into a shirt pocket.

I would greatly encourage to invest in this, if you are feeling that your current system isn't quite working for you. In case you are wondering if it comes in your translation, I wouldn't worry.  Each kit comes with the complete set of cards in the following translations:  NIV, NASB, MSG, ESV, NRSV, NLT, NKJV, and KJV. My guess is your translation choice is in there somewhere!

Anyway, if you have a system that works for you...keep using it. And, I would ask, that you would share it with me. I'm hoping that we can learn from one another as we commit ourselves to the task at hand.
