Greetings everyone! It's New Year's Eve and the adventure starts. Just in case you are wondering, I moved the Navigator's Scripture Memory Plan to a page of its own. Just look above at the tabs and click on the one that says: Navigator's Scripture Memory Plan. Not only will it have the first set of verses, it will have the sets for the whole year. But again... don't work ahead. Keep at the pace of two per week and you will do fine. Anything more tends to be a killer as time goes on.
Also, you will see that I posted the verses for the first week on the right-hand column. I will do that throughout the year. I will be posting the NIV 2010, the NASB, and the ESV, but obviously, you can choose some other translation to memorize. However, it is best to choose a translation and stick with that one, though you may want to make some exceptions to that. For example: I have memorized Psalm 23 and portions of Luke 2 in the King James Version, but the rest of my verses are in the NASB.
So, blessings to you in the year ahead. Keep at it. Don't give up. And encourage one another in the process.